Larch seed cones.

Another nice day and quite a lazy one too.  I watered the garden first thing.  It's been so dry.  I can't remember when it last rained.  Phoned Peter about the arbour for the last time.  If I don't hear from him by Tuesday I'll look for someone else.  Set Roomba in action downstairs and drove up to Craigmead car park to have another look at the larch trees and their seed cones in the little wood across the road.  The red flower like female cones were still in evidence and this time there were some cream male ones as well. There were also the beginnings of the next stage where there is more resemblance to what we recognise as a cone.  The wood grows in what used to be a quarry so there are rocks and boulders all around and also some orange tip butterflies. Impossible to photograph as they were continually on the move.  I saw a veined white too which was nice.  Came back to find sunflower seeds had arrived.   Six different varieties different heights and colours.  I'm a bit late but hopefully I'll plant them tomorrow.  Must get back to weeding too.  I've done very little the last few days.

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