Do You Like Butter?

When we were kids, we’d pick buttercups and hold them under our chin. If we had a yellow reflection on our skin, the legend was it showed we liked butter. Back then, everyone ate margarine because butter was too costly. I’m so glad we’re back to using only butter, margarine is too artificial. I’d guess there are enough buttercups in this field that every child living in our county could pick one. And there are two more fields across the farm lane from this one with at least this many blooms. I had a relatively quiet day. Had to get a small filling in a tooth first thing this morning. I stopped by two Amish greenhouses to pick up vegetable and flower plants. Will plant them next week when it’s warmer so they won’t go in shock. Then I went by the local Catholic gift shop to get my grandson a Confirmation memento. I am his sponsor. While I was there, I paid for Chase’s trip since the owner is the lead for the pilgrimage. Will have to go back though because I forgot to get my granddaughter a gift; she is being confirmed the same day. It’s terrible when you can’t think past your to do list. My sister and BIL just dropped off one of the basketball goals that Jamie is installing at school. Parker came by to help unload it off their truck. I will pick him up in 45 minutes for lacrosse practice. Then my day will be complete. Had a large lunch so dinner will be a slice of coconut custard pie. Hoping to read a bit. The temps have dropped; I had turn the heat back on. Hubby is usually so enthralled with his bluegrass music that I don’t hear from him. I’m invited to join him but am just too old to enjoy tent camping. And at Merlefest, an RV would be out of place. Thanks for visiting and leaving stars and nice comments. It sounds like the US has agreed to send some substantial fighting gear. Hopefully it will be enough to stop Putin. My photo is dedicated to the brave folks in Ukraine. Be safe. “Buttercups, bright eyed and bold, hold their chalices of gold to catch the sunshine and the dew.” - Julia Caroline Dorr

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