Oh Me, Cherry Tree

When I got up, my plan was to stay home all day, iron and weed a few flower gardens. I made a small dent in the ironing and then my DIL texted me that Parker was an altar server at the student Mass today, a first for him. In the past, that Mass has been limited to students and staff. Using the rational it is easier to gain forgiveness than approval, I decided to attend and sit in the far back of the church. Of course, our priest spotted me and came over to thank me for being Parker’s Confirmation sponsor. He knew my being at Mass today was special for both of us. You can see Parker’s expression when he saw me. Glad I had my phone camera ready. This was the first Mass where the whole school could worship together since COVID began. On the way to Mass, I stopped at a cemetery near our neighborhood and took a few pictures of these breathtaking blossoms. Since I was out, after Mass, I went back to the gift shop and purchased Mackenzie’s Confirmation present. Then I returned to both greenhouses and bought enough plants to fill Kristen’s raised beds (her desired b-day gift.) Grabbed a few herbs for Kim as well. My DIL delivered several tasty meals to me this morning so there will be no cooking until hubby returns. I am down for the day with the kitties. I heard an American veteran is the first US casualty in the Ukraine war. May he and all who have died in this senseless war Rest In Peace. Thanks for your visit. Stay safe. “Oh, the wonder of it! The outrageous beauty! God didn’t have to give us cherry blossoms you know.” - Lynn Austin

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