Ahem Err Umm Mmm Err Nice Cock !

Well a couple of wee things just before I get onto the main story firstly I would like to thank one of my subs Arachne for a a last minute comment on yesterdays blip supplying me with hundreds and thousands of full stops as apparently I don't use many I thought that was kind of her until I read she was worried about the health of another of my subs Rozwood1970 trying to supply me with full stops what kind persons you are indeed but alas an IT friend said the part of my keyboard that does punctuation is knackered oh well such as life lol. Now second interesting point the next time you wrap your tongue around a 99 Mr Whippy ice cream you have Maggie Thatcher to thank as in her younger days she was part of a pharmaceutical team that invented this limp ice cream so now you know the next time you suck on one think of Maggie haha now time for a short intermission.

Intermission Over Part Two.
Now take a deep breath folks here we go well I got up in a Fowl mood this morning when I woke up at 03:15 am oh no puns intended I right, my Head was Throbbing like mad probably due to the fact I had not a drop of caffeine inside me yesterday so I made a latte for the drive into work then when I got to the depot I had a cup of Earl Grey tea and a further two cups of tea and a final Costa Coffee at Newcastle for the second part of my return leg as it was a trip to York followed by a trip to Newcastle then a third shot driving back to Edinburgh so there was not much in the way of decent blips to be had but when I was stopped at a signal next to a farm near Northallerton I spotted this Cock strutting his stuff so I got out my camera and clicked away so I said to him hello my name is Mark Young is your name Foghorn Leghorn he curtly replied no It's Ivor,Ivor I replied yes Ivor Biggin if you must know he retorted oh that's a strange name well it was the one I was given so I was kinda perturbed as he was giving me an evil stare with his Big Red Head and Evil Eye so I asked him why do you have a big Red Head he said to impress the Chicks who were clucking away in the corner chatting amongst themselves I said well you better go impress them with your Big Red Head rather than talking to a Train Driver then so he clucked Buk Buk Buk Off at me and with a Spurt he Shot Off to the female entourage where he was surrounded by them wanting to know what our chat was about and all I could see before getting back on my train was his Big Red Head Standing Proud above the ladies as they listened to his story clucking with laughter about the daft Train Driver, And I am off tomorrow to play golf in our first works golf outing at Cardrona Golf Club near Peebles so fingers crossed for some decent weather but not looking to optimistic at the moment so my blip may be from there tomorrow,Well you can all breathe out now oh Movie for the day has to be "Rooster Cogburn 1975".

Oh COCK best viewed Large :-)

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