Duck oh it's ok my Ball wasn't there anyway well today was our first works golf outing unfortunately when I arrived at my brothers he had just been called to say the course was closed ahh shit however a quick call to one of the guys who was a member at Gullane meant we could play there instead of Cardrona at Peebles so we hot footed it down there and as this was only my second game since October I was not expecting much but as I can usually play steady even when rusty I finished second overall on my handicap of 8 as we played stableford and I finished on 27 points only one behind the winner so I got a wee cash prize but I could have won it as I had three holes where I did not get a point but I have never seen or played in wind like this as Gullane, It has three courses and all links courses and wide open to the elements blowing right down the Firth Of Forth and that and all the guys were having problems with there Balls oscillating on the putting greens but I was just happy to have a bit of banter with the guys today but the couple of pictures I took at the course where I was hoping to get a shot of the flag bent over did not do it justice so you will have to make do with this shot of yours truly trying not to take a divot out of the artificial lawn as Sandra may not be pleased as I'm partial to partaking in the odd divot but usually with my lob wedge, And tomorrows blip may not be posted until Saturday as I'm off to the opening night of the Creative Scotland gallery opening for the see us competition that Blip ran and it will be nice to see my shots up on the walls

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