A time for everything

By turnx3

Tea break!

Roger was at the church this morning, helping change the fluorescent lights in the pre-school rooms with LED lights - it’s apparently not a simple matter of changing the bulbs, but includes some rewiring as well. The guy he works with is a retired electrician, so he knows what he’s doing. by the time he returned late morning, I was already at work outside, and after making me a cup of coffee, he came and joined me, and we did about another three hours. The forecast for the day had called for cloudy skies with the chance of rain in the afternoon, however instead it cleared up into a beautiful afternoon, and we enjoyed our tea break out on the patio. I say tea break, but in fact, after sitting in the warm sun for a while, enjoying watching and listening to the birds, we decided to call it a day, especially since Roger had been working since 9.30.

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