
By CreativeCarol

Nightstand Bookstack

Thank you all for your comments on my last two journals on books. I thought I would do one more day with this theme. This is a photo of the books that I have currently on my night stand.

The bottom book is "Shadow of the Almighty". It is the life and testament of Jim Elliot. I bought this book because I was so very moved by the movie "End of the Spear". Elisabeth Elliot is the wife of Jim and is the author of this gripping story of her husband's remarkable life. He and four friends were martyred in the Amazonian jungle when they attempted to build a relationship with a remote tribe. My favorite quote of Jim's - "He is no fool who gives that which he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose."

The next book, is one of my bibles. I mediate on God's word daily and I love this book.
As you can see it does not look like it is in very good condition. In the middle of the spine you will see where Fiona (one of our Caviler's) as a puppy cut her teeth. I also have lost half of Genesis because she thought it would be a good snack one night. If you are looking for truth, inspiration, wisdom, adventure, love and grace you will find it in these pages.

The next in the stack is my kindle. I am currently reading "the Storyteller" by Jodi Picoult . This is a story of a young jewish girl who is a baker and she becomes friends with an elderly man in her grief support group. . He confesses a shameful secret and asks her for an extraordinary favor. Which brings the questions of where does one draw the line between punishment and justice, forgiveness and mercy?

Last but not least is a small book "The God Pocket" by Bruce Wilkinson. My husband had the privilege of spending some time with this author before he spoke at a fundraiser that Dave is the Chairman of. He was quite an amazing speaker and has written many best sellers, like the Prayer of Jabez. Simply this book points you to the fact that your funds are God's funds. He tells you how to deliver God's provision to someone in need making God personal and absolutely real to them.

I always find it interesting to hear what others have on their nightstand. If you have time to share, I would love to hear!

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