Place: North Myrtle Beach, SC 70/81
Main activity: Tues - silver run, HVAC
Notes: Woke 3a after bad dream, finally back to sleep and up 645a-ish - feeling very off and out of it. Slow morning and then decided to check out a nearby place for some more silver. Hadn't planned on buying any more but saw it drop near $22/oz. This place didn't have much but had a National Fishing Grand Slam set of 25 in a little case. They were priced at $35/oz but the guy gave me $31/oz so I was happy with that. Hot day and started early! Jumped on Zoom w/ Amy at 230p and officially met and chatted about a bunch of things until 345p when the HVAC guy showed up to check the unit. Kal called in the evening and thinks I signed to be out by the 20th (my lease says 22nd). Texts from Joe up north and then he had to head out for a night job in Baltimore. Had trouble falling asleep.

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