The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

First day at new job

I started my new job today. Mainly it was just watch-and-learn, but by the end of the day I had made my first phone call. I'm training  to be a social prescriber. What helps is that I'm working with an old friend (who encouraged me to apply for the job, but wasn't part of my interview panel). We have our own office, and it's going to be a squash and a squeeze when there are four of us in, on a Monday.

Nobody hit me
Nobody bit me
Nobody sat on me
Nobody spat on me

All of which made a refreshing change from the last job!

AND I have the code to the kitchen, there's a cupboard full of biscuits, treats, and fruit. Only the fruit is gluten free! I did get lost in the building once or twice, it's a warren. I might bring in a ball of string tomorrow so I can retrace my footsteps if I leave the office. And leave it I will, because there is not much daylight in there.

Afterwards A. toiok me to Tesco's, then stopped me off at the bus station. I bought a few items, then headed off to the charity shop, where I bought two pairs of work trousers and two work tips for $21 (that's pounds, not dollars,  but I  don't know where the pound key has gone).

And now I'm all dressed up to go out to GG's birthday bash! This would be fine if I hadn't been awake at 4.45, with first-day nerves and trying to calculate pension values by doing mental arithmetic!)

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