I was up and out before 7.30 this morning to do some shopping at Tesco before the rush - Mr. HCB helpfully asked if I really needed to go that early - although didn’t offer to go -  so I told him if he wanted to eat then I did!  

When I got back, I had a wander around the garden - we have so many lovely flowers blooming now and I wanted to share some of them - but also wanted to give a “nod” to Abstract Thursday.  

I therefore decided on the Spanish Bluebells - and yes, I know they are not as good as the true English Bluebells, but they are still very pretty.  Mr. HCB was talking about digging them up because Monty Don said they are invasive, but I have persuaded him to leave them where they are - goodness me, if we got rid of everything that wasn’t quite right, where would it stop?

I used my PhotoRoom app to put in an abstract background and then used the Carbon App for the borders and am pleased with it. 

Thank you for all your kind comments on recent Blips - I’m struggling to keep up, but will do my best a bit later - I have just noticed there are several jobs that need attending to in the garden.  Mr. HCB meanwhile, is pottering in the greenhouse - I have just taken him a cup of coffee in his “keep-warm” cup and because he can get radio reception through his hearing aids, is presently listening to some live Championship Cricket -  what’s not to like about being retired?

I think I will do a few little jobs outside and then, as the sun is shining, sit and read my book for a while - another retirement pleasure!

“It is a golden maxim to cultivate 
     the garden for the nose, 
          and the eyes will take care of themselves.”
Robert Louis Stevenson

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