A day of two halves

Wet morning spent in bed.  I am feeling rather under the weather.
Sunny afternoon.  I slowly revived myself to the point where - after testing negative - I took Jamie, Bella and Meg to the ball field.  I gave Meg a good run without much effort on my part and Bella and Jamie also made good use of the chance to be out in the fresh air somewhere that Bella can run free, although she did make a bid for freedom - she's small enough to get through the gate!   

Scilla litardieri, a much smaller and more delicate member of the genus which should find it's way out into the garden in the future.  These were raised from seed sent out by Gothenburg Botanic Garden seed share scheme a few years ago.   Sadly Brexit means that seed can no longer be sent to the UK without expensive phytosanitary certification while other changes to international law on the movement of plant material has closed the scheme to all but scientific institutions and Botanic Gardens.

Hoping I'll shake off this virus quickly.  I am an impatient patient.

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