Tea thyme

Tea thyme!


Get it?

I'm a comedy genius, right?


*dust balls roll by*


I've been thinking on and off for a couple of weeks about putting a herb in this planter and then positioning it in the middle of the garden table, and it suddenly occurred to me this evening that the thyme would be great for not only a bit of word play but to keep its sneaky roots all in one place.

By the thyme (<- you see what I did there?) I'd planted it and filled around with soil, watered it in and cleaned down the teacup, the sun had gone and I couldn't take a decent photo on the table. (I blame the neighbours with the incredibly high hedge and tall evergreen tree for that. The sun disappears very quickly in the evening) I looked across the garden and saw the last patch of sunlight sneaking off slowly so I grabbed this spotty old dressing go- *ahem* "picnic cloth" and took the teacup and put it on the ground instead. I was rapidly running out of sunshine thyme to take a photo...

I planted out my cauliflowers today. They've been started off in the garage and were beginning to lean. I began putting cabbage collars around them to protect them from rootfly, but I think I was killing them so I gave up. I really can't fit cabbage collars - I tried it last year. I then planted garlic chives and my marigold seedlings with my broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage because I read that rootfly don't like them. After watering the veg patch with slug nematodes again, I realised several hours had passed.
I then planted pink chives in my herb bed - I have more on the way that I'm growing from seed because the bees LOVE them.
I also planted some dianthus that were on offer at the garden centre yesterday and stuck in some nemesia left over from last year to keep them company.

Okay. I'm being boring now...

Tess had an after school club today so it was easy to garden for hours and not feel guilty. When I went to say goodnight to her she was writing a story in bed. She read to me what she'd written so far, complete with voices and expression. I noticed that she has a rhythm to her writing. There's a natural instinct to make the phrases sound poetic and musical. As she was reading aloud to me she could hear what she wanted to change. It's lovely to watch the creative mind at work. It's also lovely to see her writing happily with paper and pencil. A few weeks ago she told me that she makes up stories in her head all the time but doesn't like writing them down because she doesn't enjoy writing. I told her not to worry and that story tellers never used to write things down.

Interesting how taking the pressure off young children can actually make things happen...

Thyme for bed.

Someone on blipfoto will recognise this cup and saucer planter because they gave it to me :)

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