Laboscope app

Fbg 6.6

Shadow is first for food. She was sleeping on the swing when I woke up. I came out with a selection of four different dishes. Shadow took a taste out of each one and then chose her favourite and ate most of that.

Shadow left for a bit, then came back, and ate from another dish. Then she looks around. She's heard something, and walks away. BBCat is walking down the path. He is very early for breakfast.

There is no adverse reaction from Shadow, no lashing of her tail, so she seems to be relatively comfortable with BBCat coming for the food.

BBCat comes down garden path slowly. Polishes off four bowls wet food, one bowl of dry food. All the while him and I are having a slow blinking 'conversation'. Then...BBCat jumps on the swing. A first for him, and he is swinging away on my heavy wooden swing. He is sitting upright surveying 'his' garden. Then settles to sleep. But the problem is I cannot refill those cat bowls because they are immediately under him, and I usually do refills straight away first thing in the morning as The Parade of the Gingers is often next.

It is raining hard this morning so probably that is why BBCat chose to sit in the dry of the covered swing.

BBCat gets off swing an hour later and looks at the food bowls, surprised they are still empty, as if he expected them to fill up by themselves and he looks at me....

I go out with refills and BBCat runs past in front of me, stops for a second to look at me, and I am very aware he needs a good brushing with a wire brush. He would probably be half the size if I ever managed that. He hides in the undergrowth, but is out as soon as I get back inside. He has one bite out of each bowl and leaves. It is almost as if (I know he ate 5 bowls of food an hour earlier) he is beginning to understand he doesn't have to demolish every scrap of food he finds, because there will be more later.

Then in comes the gingers one by one.

Creative today is a kaleidoscope in Laboscope of my scented pink lilac tree flowers. And Shadow!

Sun was out, but has retired back to bed. So the day is now cloudy. And at 7 am from my AH neighbour of the Fort Knox Fence comes the noisy crashing sounds of throwing pieces/lengths of wood around on his concrete drive. 7am?!?! So the sweet sounds of birds singing are now silenced for me as I have taken my sound processor off for the day now....

I need coffee with something extra added...

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