Fading slowly

Bit of a busy old day trying to fit everything in. (Been a busy week so this is the first of 6 backflips to catch myself up again!)

The morning was taken up with the early dog walk followed by cleaning the house, changing the beds and nipping to Costco to pick up some steaks for dinner before I had a quick lunch.

Miss PHL came out to the house so she was around when her brother and his partner arrived for dinner. I walked Phin round the field and onto the supermarket to meet her off the bus. It was a pleasant walk back home in enough time to get the washing in off the line and everything prepped for dinner before M&A arrived. K had time to nip to her friend’s flat to collect some supplies for her trip to Knoydart on Monday but was just back when they arrived.

Phin and Henry did their usual 5 minutes of madness before they settled down. Dinner went well and we had time to relax for an hour before heading for bed.

Blip is of my birthday roses, still hanging in there after 10 days! Thanks to BikerBear for hosting.

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