Electric Ballroom

My feet are killing me but I have been to a great gig tonight at the Electric Ballroom in Camden. One of my fave bands played all the songs I hoped they would. At the start of the gig I was upstairs in the bar and I was possibly furthest away from the band as compared to anyone else in the place. Went downstairs and had a bit of the dance but was right at the back (I find this a bit frustrating). I managed to weedle myself to the front about a third into the set list and saw the band close up. I really enjoyed dancing when I could see the interactions on the stage properly. Janine (keyboard player, singer and guitar player) did the whole gig topless which was interesting and pretty brave but I thought but it really worked and added to the individuality and energy of the band. I am off to Highgate tomorrow but I am not sure if my feet will survive it!

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