
By Veronica


I'm completely lacking in blip inspiration currently, so here's another of D's carefully preserved orchids: a pyramid orchid. They are very common around here.

Last night was pizza night. Unexpectedly, because the couple who run the pizza van had both tested positive for covid last week. But then they tested negative, just in time to come to us. S and R were a bit peeved when they showed up at the bar later than usual, having had pizza for tea ... as usual it was a convivial evening.

Today was Mystère's annual vet visit for his jab. It was 34C when we got there just before two o'clock. I joined a lady with a magnificent tabby longhair called Leo, and while we waited for the assistant to come and open the door, seven dogs turned up (five of them with one couple) ... one of them was a particularly noisy Alsatian which barked constantly. We retreated to a "cats only" corner of  the waiting room. The vet whisked the rowdy dog swiftly into the consultation room where it continued to bark loudly. Mystère and Leo were not happy and made their displeasure known.

Still, the jab and checkup got done. As usual Mystère was so frightened that he was very well behaved. The car, parked in the sun, told me it was 40C. I needed to do some shopping, but I was scared to leave Mystère in the car for more than 10 minutes, so it was a quick dash round Picard to buy fish for him and apero nibbles for us.

Back home, poor Mystère flopped down on the sofa to recover. I had to go to a meeting of the village social club committee which I inadvertently joined last year, as you do. It went on, and on, and on ... amazing how many social events you can organise in a small village. Tivoli will have a hard time keeping up with the social whirl :)

Back home, glass of wine and some nibbles. It's apparently going to be a bit cooler tomorrow, which will be welcome.

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