In a new light

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Sunshine, so there was SO much to take today, so much to photograph, lots of flowers have bloomed, there's more insects, more life around - but I went with the humble garden daisy. For once the ground had dried out & I was able to lay in front of them - daisy level - & got some shots. Charlie Cat looked at me in some amusement! And an ant crawled up my leg... Spring has FINALLY arrived!

And Larry... well, what do you think?


So gym in the morning & home for some work, & then outside to see the Spring world - it's beautiful out there, perfect weather, even the darn wind has dropped!

I did set the camera up last night - doing it again tonight - it picks up on movement to takes a still & a 10 second film (or however much you want to set it for). Last night a hedgehog ate half the food I left out for it, a cat came & sniffed it, & decided it didn't like it, then a rook & magpie finished it off in the early hours of the morning! :) xxx

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