
By NigelHarvey

Postcard from Edinburgh #4 Granton Gasworks

Hey - it's me again!
What a day it's been - like summer (well almost). Hot and sunny, nearly tattoo flashing vest weather. Thought I would visit the old gasworks today, just at the back of the Tea Junction Takeaway - remember? There used to be three gasholders but there's only this one left now. Some bloke was telling me they'd put it on a list, I suppose he meant it was listed. The whole area is slowly being developed, although this beauty is pretty neglected. Maybe when all the yuppies are in their flats they'll make this into a climbing frame for their kids. There's lots of weeds round it, I had to scramble over brambles and mounds of muck to get anywhere near it - but it was worth it. Glad I found this postcard too - thought you'd like it.
Take it easy (as usual),


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