Leucima salicis

A greyish day so a walk up to the sea wall and alkng the marsh. I saw something on a leaf.. just a row of shiny white dots about half an inch long. A chance to try out the macro effect on the phone. I had to put it very  eye close to get it into focus and it started moving (obviously very aware of the huge thing coming over it) 
The Caterpillar of a White Satin moth

Our builder friend Alex has been working hard replacing the roof on our 'conservatory'  which is a 25ft x 6ft space at the back of the house and is now M's Bonsai  workplace. We had the roof put on 30 years ago and it has just started to leak in places.  Nice of Alex to do it as hes now officially retired. Fingers crossed the weather stays fine till its finished

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