Through The Barricades

The mayhem in the cul-de-sac continues. Considering the speed with which they cut and backfilled trenches yesterday, it seems to have taken an inordinate length of time to put in some tarmac today. Not enough to actually fill the trench mind, hence all the barriers remaining in place. And right outside our house seems to be where all the spare barriers are being stored. This has seriously pissed off the chap who lives opposite as he can no longer park outside his house without blocking the road.
Fortunately, we missed a lot of the mayhem as we went out early to the supermarket and then stayed out until lunchtime. Mrs C went to get her nails done whilst I walked down to the gym via the library - exercising both body and mind today!
Another rehearsal for the play tonight. I was there last night helping to build a particular bit of the scenery that had to be custom made to fit me. Time now to find out if everything works as planned or if further tweaking will be required. The opening performance is a fortnight tonight, so the clock is definitely ticking…

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