You Keep Me Hangin’ On

The construction and placement of this block of wood occupied three people for a good couple of hours on Tuesday night. Last night it was used in anger for the first time and fulfilled its primary role perfectly. Which is more than could be said for the human members of the cast. Having staggered through a line run on Sunday, it all fell apart when we also tried to remember where we were supposed to stand/move whilst saying the lines we weren’t too sure of in the first place!
Still, it wasn’t too bad overall and I’m sure there are enough rehearsals left for us to fine tune everything - even though that does include being able to remember all our lines and moves!
We haven’t ventured out of the house today. Not for want of trying, but the Neanderthals digging up our road made it pretty well impossible to leave the cul-de-sac today. There were a couple of hours when we couldn’t even get off the drive due to it being blocked by barriers or parked wagons. And by the time we could get out, Mrs C had retired to bed with a headache brought on by the constant clatter of machinery outside. So today was a total write off. Let’s hope tomorrow is more productive.
But what is that bit of wood for, I hear you ask. Well, I don’t want to give anything away so you’ll have to come and see the play if you want to find out. Let’s just say it has a very important “supporting” role in the production!

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