Waiting . . .

Every morning around 9.30 the sheep and lambs head to the top of the field . . . and wait. Eventually the farmer arrives on his quad, drives down to the bottom of the field, drops food off and drives back out again. 

Today we were out there washing out all the bird feeders, as you need to do. The sheep were gathered and waiting . . . and waiting . . . and waiting. We had a second cup of coffee and they were still waiting. Now they were getting noisy - lots of baaing. In my picture you can see they were all focused on the gate, there were a couple right at the gate, but I couldn't fit them in. The lambs seem to have lost interest and one sheep seems to have given up. 

I can only assume food did eventually arrive as when I looked out later the sheep were all at the bottom of the field. We are not sure why they are fed anyway, we thought it was just whilst the grass wasn't growing. 

Oh well - its interesting living in the country!! Maybe tomorrow I will blip the farmer arriving . . . it's all so exciting! 

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