
By AnnieBScotland

beautiful - but closed!

No sunset last night, so made the right decision.

Beware if you ever come to Knoydart that the only thing that is open at weekends is the pub. We had planned to buy stuff for lunch at either the shop/post office or the pottery and tearoom but no such luck. And it doesn't tell you this on any websites. We had to beg some cheese and tomatoes from the bunkhouse warden and make sandwiches with our breakfast bread, and cobble together what snacks we had between us. Although we had brought a good OS map, there are walks leaflets available but only in the foundation shop - that was also closed.

So here we are setting off on an obvious track up one glen, we struck off across a hill and came back down onto another track in the next glen, with a lot of up and down over rough ground in between. you will note that, while John and I (though you can't see me!) are in full hill walking grear, the girls are essentially in their london clothes, though John was carrying their wellies, which were very much needed. Six and half hours later we were back at the bunkhouse, tired but happy! We saw some deer, a few sheep and only two other walkers in the distance the whole day, and the highlight for the girls - a small herd of highland cows complete with three calves. And the weather even played ball, cloudy, but only a bit of rain on the home straight.

To cap it all, I have discovered that my camera lens is actually chipped. It must have happened when I dropped it in Copenhagen, and I didn't do anything drastic to it today but there is definitely a sliver of glass moving around inside that moved and I suddenly saw it as what I thought was a rain spot. The photos seem to be OK, though there's one or two that don't look quite right on close inspection. Not good news, does anyone local to Glasgow and Edinburgh know where I can take it these days for an opinion? I will contact the insurance company as well.

We were showered and ready for another lovely dinner at the Old Forge Hotel by 6.45pm. back now, after making the most of three courses, and ready for an early night as the ferry goes at 9am. Sunday breakfast in Mallaig!

I have managed to reply to comments on yesterday's post but am about dead on my feet now, so off for an early night. Will catch up at home tomorrow. please bear with me.

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