Pensthorpe Natural Park

With S-i-L A and a cousin we spent the day at Pensthorpe Natural Park, near Fakenham.

The grounds, which consist of a series of meres and lakes, are extensive and we did not cover the entire site but managed to see many of the bird species.

Most interesting were the Eurasian Cranes, grey and white with a red cap, with their sandy-coloured chick, Avocets' constant chatter and the Ruffs rushing about chasing each other. Lots of geese of different species warned us off their babies as we all wandered across each others' path and the various ducks swam or dived after their fashion.

There are also interesting sculptures scattered through delightful planting schemes, but we had time to see only a few before hurrying out at closing time.

The forecasted rain came shortly before lunch,  followed by warm sunshine, and umbrellas spared us a soaking. The heavens opened as we returned to the car and continued most of the way back, apparently other areas also had thunder, but this did not spoil the day.

Photo is looking across Old Squaw Lake towards 'Monet Inspired Bridge', just visible under the willows, the water lilies not quite in full bloom but the iris in their prime.

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