MS Borealis

A sunny and calm morning.  It's been sunny most of the day, but windy.  A fairly cloudy evening, and much cooler. 

Up early, and an early shift in the airport today.  I've mostly been on the check-in desk all day, and a hectic day.  Our first flight was delayed, which had many connections to sort.  We also had a Bergen flight in the afternoon.  That's me been in the airport for a whole year now, it's "flown" by.  After a busy day, I fell asleep on the sofa.  This ruined my plans for tonight, oh well, walkies with Sammy, and a much needed lazy evening.  Off to bed early again.

It's a busy year for cruise ships visiting Shetland, we'll over 100 this year.  Cruise ship visits used to be a busy time for me in the museum, not anymore, and hardly see anyone from them.  Today the MS Borealis was in Lerwick visiting, with a capacity of 1,404 visitors.  Thankfully the sun has been shining for them today, and still shining as they left the isles.  Taken at Quarff, looking to the Haa, with the MS Borealis steaming away.  

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