Scalloway Jubilee Beacon

A windy morning, cloudy too, but soon cleared into a sunny day, and a beautiful calm evening.

Last early shift of the week, and a busy morning on the check-in desk.  The rest of the day remained busy with passengers.  The usual mad dash after work, and headed down for my shift in the shop.  With the fine night, plenty of customers popping in.  

To join in with Queen Elizabeth II platinum jubilee, there has been various beacons lit across Shetland.  There was one in Unst, and one across from us in Trondra, possibly more, and then the local Brownies club had one here in Scalloway.  There was a royal procession along the streets, before lighting the Up Helly Aa galley bonfire.  I managed to catch the end of the celebrations, the fire was still roaring, and a goos crowd watching.  Taken at West Shore, Scalloway.  

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