Pleasant Day....

...all around. The sun came out in the afternoon and it feels really warm although it's 75F/23.8C. It's humid I think. Plus I'm trying to get used to wearing glasses and they're driving me crazy. Fortunately I have an eye doctor's appointment tomorrow so we can get the prescription straightened out!

I spent much less time in the garden today than anticipated - a lot of botanical garden work (how it fills in the unscheduled hours I'll never know!). We have a large event coming up on the summer solstice and there's a lot of planning.

But I did get out to the garden and weeded a bit and did some planting. Everywhere I look there are weeds growing. Seems I can't keep up with them, what with the rainy spring. And another rainy weekend in the offing. That's really the problem, it rains every time I plan to spend time in the garden!

Got a pretty good shot of this bee visiting Allium christophii in the garden this afternoon. 

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