Funny Day

Not as in haha funny...just sort of unsettled. I think it's mostly to do with the weather. Murky, showery, humid (you'd think those would go hand-in-hand but often times when it rains here it doesn't feel muggy and humid...I hear it's to do with the dew point). At any rate, eye doc appointment first thing this am - I need computer glasses, go figure. Followed by some work and a nice long walk. Then I tried to work in the garden a bit, which I did until it rained. Cancelled golf game, worked some more. Tried to figure out what to wear to the botanical garden's big 6/21 party. That feels hopeless, which is ridiculous. 

But I was able to take my camera to the garden in between showers and my lovely Iceland Poppies are blooming again. This year I put several in containers, rather than the ground. I suspect they like to dry out occasionally. If they'd been in the ground they would have rotted this spring!

Happy Friday!

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