The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Domestic duties

I was a little more lively today than yesterday. Cleared out the spare room, as we have a guest arriving on Monday. Indie managed to leap up and get stuck on top of two different doors: the spare room and my study. There's a reason why I usually keep these doors closed. I think she has dyspraxia. She can't plan further ahead than leaping on top of a door, finding it's swung with her weight, then being unable to get down again. It takes one to know one: I have dyspraxia, but rarely, if ever, get stuck on top of doors.

Lots of sorting out of piles of paper followed, even some dusting. I'm ashamed to say that the dust was so thick that my allergy kicked in. Perhaps it's in-house hayfever. CleanSteve was busy in the garden. I fixed my CD player with the aid of a cleaning disc, run several times, and started listening to a 3-CD set of Mapp and Lucia. It's highly entertaining, even though I know the stories well. Actress Miriam Margoyles narrates, and does all the voices.

Then I made some chocolate chip cookies, using the food processor this time. Along the way I'd also made lunch for both of us, and later I made supper. We watched the last episode of Animal Park (a giraffe had his toenails filed down) and I found a new series on BBC Sounds. All in all, quite busy but also relaxed apart from the housework. I found that screeching along to 80s power ballads helps alleviate the boredom of the latter.

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