Diwedd a Dechrau

Diwedd a Dechrau ~ An end and a beginning

“He who chooses the beginning of a road chooses the place it leads to. It is the means that determines the end.”
—Harry Emerson Fosdick

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Ar ôl yr ordeiniad rydyn ni'n losgi rhai o hen dillad o'r newydd ordeinio. Mae hyn yn cynrychioli, yn symbolaidd, diwedd yr hen bywyd a dechrau un newydd.  Rydyn ni wedi gwneud hyn mewn llawer o leoedd o gwmpas Prydain. Nawr bydd seremonïau fel hyn ym Mhrydain yn Drala Jong yn y dyfodol.

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After the ordination we burn some old clothes of the newly ordained. This represents, symbolically, the end of the old life and the beginning of a new one. We have done this in many places around Britain. Now ceremonies like this will be in Britain will be at Drala Jong in future.

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