First Perth Mela

What a fabulous day ?! First there was a parade with two set of pipers, The Atholl Highlanders and the Perth District Pipe Band. Sandwiched between was a large diversity of different music and nationalities, dancing and playing music as they paraded from the south inch car park, down Tay street then on to the North inch where the festivities continued. Be. Was parading with his scout group. With the weather being scorching once again there was lots of picnics and folks sitting around with families listening to the music which there was two stages. I had some Syrian food from one of the sellers which was so tasty.

So good to see crowds of folks back out enjoying themselves (and not any flag waving jubilee plastic, no doubt lots heading to landfill after the weekend). One of the guys on stage tried to get the crowd to shout out Happy Platinum Jubilee but was met with largely silence :)

We wandered home and sat out in the garden with a refreshment and wondered how long this weather would last.

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