
Have options will travel.  Especially if to follow the sun!

Woke up in Perth to  low skies of the grey colour.  Makes me moody tbh!  I suggested we head to the sun, on the train, to Glasgow.  So we did.  Most of the way was grey and I thought, oh no, but then on the outskirts of Glasgow you could see the blue with the yellow ball in the sky.  Phew!

We walked to the Merchant City to Spitfire Cafe and had a coffee and croissant.  Excellent.  Then a wee walk to Bell Street to the City of Glasgow Police Museum.  What an excellent place. Small, but filled with lots of stuff with stories and best of all, two ex cops, Eddie and Ian who were todays volunteers.

Eddie was a source of great stories, personal and cop related.  As S was a Glasgow cop in a previous life they had mutual friends .  What a laugh we had with Eddie.  We are now FB friends too lol!  Two hours we were there!  And the museum is small!

We said our goodbyes and walked down the street to the Singl-end restaurant and sat out at a table and had a late lunch.  It was lovely sitting out in the sun and people watching.

A walk around admiring the Glasgow architecture, some street art (not this one) a sit in George Square for 15 mins before the train which left at 16:10.  We have a nice train in but this one was the crappy 156’s and the least said about these shitty coaches the better. Ugh.

Walk home, cuppa, some garden stuff and then bed.

Edit: Oh I forgot, we spent a few hours watching the webcam and FLightradar over Maderia battling with storm Oscar.  Storm Oscar won, lots of flights diverted to the Canaries or returning to Lisbon.  We are total plane Geeks.

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