Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Welcome Committee

(back blipped on 6 June for 5 June)

I met up with Osuzanna and Wrperry in McAllen just in time for lunch before we loaded up the car and headed to the Ranch with another photographer, Ed.  When we arrived at the Ranch it was a toasty 98 F with a hot breeze.  Which did not deter any of us from grabbing cameras and wandering around the ranch grounds!  Just outside the main ranch house was Molly, the resident Harris Hawk, being relentlessly harassed by a Northern Mockingbird.  He repeatedly dive-bombed her while she just stoically ignored him.  You might wonder why she didn't go after him - the simple reason is she is a large hawk, not able to maneuver quickly enough to catch a smaller bird on the wing.  Her normal meals are small mammals and reptiles.  So, on a hot day like this, it was easier for her to just endure the pestering, knowing he'd eventually wear himself out and leave.  Which he did.

After an orientation to the ranch and a visit to one of the hides, we settled down for an authentic Tex-Mex dinner.  We are a group of 5 photographers with two guides, so it's easy and enjoyable.  An early night as the next morning will start at 6...stay tuned.

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