Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Today has been busy. I woke up early to go run with Xena through the woods, as I had to leave home by 8.15 for my breakfast appointment with a friend. Xena was surprised at this change in routine, as she is usually walked later after her breakfast, but she enjoyed the run.

It was then a mad rush to get showered and changed and leave home on time, only to get stuck in the morning school run traffic. I made it to the restaurant in time to meet my friend and it was lovely to see her again. My friend suddenly lost her husband in November last year, it was all a big shock and we all felt quite numbed by it so you can imagine what it has been like for her. She is doing okay and holding things together very admirably. 

When I arrived in Guildford it was blue skies with sunshine, but it had clouded over by the time I left - although sufficiently warm enough to wear summer clothing, at last! I took this photo as I was rushing back to the car park, I am not sure what the floral display is all about but I assume something to do with spring.

After breakfast I rushed off to the other side of Surrey to my hairdresser appointment. I do feel as if it has been a day of racing against the clock!

When I finally got home again, I did not feel like lunch after that huge breakfast so I took Xena for another walk. 

Tonight is book club, it will be good to catch up and see everyone again.

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