River James

Before I was up, hubby was on his way to get blood work that was ordered by his new doc. He ran a few errands while I did laundry and some housework. Hubby helped my friend move all the decorations to her home and then picked up meds. My granddaughter asked us to watch River while she kept an appointment this afternoon. It was his first solo visit and it went very good. Great-granddad washed off the swing set and it was our emergency diversion when River realized his Mom had left, about 45 minutes into the visit. We were up/down/all around to keep up with him. Great exercise. My mother saw a doctor today, got a tetanus shot and antibiotics. My nephew will keep an eye on her arm for the next week. My BIL is home from the hospital; no new details but must be good news. Kristen has an appointment with an orthopedic specialist next week. It must sound like we are accident prone. I cannot deny it. Hubby is grilling burgers for dinner since we had leftovers from last night. I should go make the rest of the sides. Thanks for the visit. I saw a headline that Putin is planning to execute some Foreign POWs. Hopefully that can be prevented. Stay safe. “(Great-) Grandchildren are God’s way of compensating us for growing old.” - Mary H. Waldrip

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