Pictorial blethers

By blethers


I feel ancient tonight - in bed by 10.30pm
- as last night catches up on me along with what we did today. The morning (after a lateish breakfast and then coffee) was taken up by individual spiritual direction time and - in another part of the house - examination of a poem and a painting about the Last Judgement (much more lovely than it sounds!) Then lunch (I’m going to fast for a week!) before a bit of sightseeing.

This took us over an undulating single-track road to the other side of the island to visit Calanais and its amazing stone circle. (Blipped). I was here a year ago, but the others had never seen it. Before returning to Gress for Vespers we dropped in on an art gallery owned by an artist who was in the audience last night. Then back over another undulating road to Gress and Vespers in the chapel.

Dinner utterly floored me tonight - I went out for a last walk up the road with pal Di and felt barely able to stagger home.

But fret ye not. I made it …

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