
By SuffolkBumble

Camino Day 6: The Way is wet. Still.

Triacastella to Sarria - JBD = 18.7km

So today the legend that is John Brierley led us to a slight wrong turn at the start of the day and we trudged for a couple of extra kilometres through the rain. Not everyone was particularly happy but the hard slog to lunch was made worthwhile for me when I bit into the SuperBurger of double burger, bacon, eggs, cheese, ham and salad. Good times.

In Sarria I had a little walk round, read some more of the magnificent 'The Night Circus' with a couple of glasses of wine and joined the rest for a lovely Italian. Joining us for dinner were Nic and Alistair, two of the nicest and funniest pilgrims we met on the Way.

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