Are you sitting comfortably?

I was just on my way out to find a photo for today when through the living room window I spotted this very chilled out pigeon on our feeding station.  Fortunately the Tamron 150-600 was at hand (foot to be precise, on the floor - in its case!) so a quick change of lens and blip solved.
Not the best of days for yours truly – tummy upset combined the b***** psoas in spasm again.  Things easing a bit now.  They better sort themselves out properly as I have a physio appointment for the shoulder tomorrow morning.
Turned up trumps with our dentist.  I sent them an email explaining about Mrs W’s vulnerability to infection etc (we haven’t been for over a year), and reception gave us an appointment in October at supposedly  a quiet time.  The office manager phoned back this afternoon having spoken to our dentist, and offered an evening appointment with no one else in the part of the practice that we will be in, and in August – top notch.

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