
By samsticks

Moon Fire

I was pretty knackered today after yesterday's full day and was keen to get back from work at a reasonable time to have a little play with Miles before he went to bed. I managed to get in about 10 minutes before starting his bedtime routine, but that was better than nothing - I think he was pleased to see me when I eventually got home. This meant that I hadn't taken any photos at all in the day, so it was going to be a night shot!

The moon was amazing tonight - not full, but nearly and so bright! I put on my 300mm, but didn't really get anything that I was happy with (the clouds were making it difficult to get the entire moon in uncovered). I decided to take a break, looked up and saw a huntsman spider. He was in an awkward position to photograph, but I managed to get a decent one of him whilst standing on a chair, using live view with my camera arm at full extension and holding my phone light in my other hand (it was dark out there!). I'd got my blip. I was just about to go inside when this scene opened up in the sky - I had my 50mm on, so I just pointed it up and shot before the clouds closed in again. I quite like it, although I'd been sitting here for 20 minutes now trying to decide whether to blip this or my huntsman. I think this is the right choice, and I hope that you agree (there'll always be another huntsman, right!?)!

Anyway, apologies for the waffle - it's just that blip really set me a challenge tonight... and I love it all the more for it. :)

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