A view from Jeanneb

By Jeanneb53

Sweet Morning Hay

A lovely start to the day again and perfect for our regular early Thursday walk.

I went up to St Ives woods through the cricket field again but the cut grass is discouraging the deer from coming out. The path into the woods is now lined with very high nettles (stung my elbow), and then head high bracken so maybe it’s not such a good idea!

When we got to the meadow part if our walk the grass had been cut and there was a wonderful smell of sweet cut grass taking me back to my childhood hay making days. The ‘proper path’ was hard to distinguish so we ended up in two groups at this point. 4 ladies as seen here and two ladies and M, our token man, on my ‘path’, the dogs running between.

As I got back in the house at 8.30am Chris was on the phone. He went to the Dr’s yesterday as he’s still not 100% since his illness while we were away. Lots of tests all of which were OK but she wanted to send him to the hospital for an ECG just in case.  So off he went having been assured it wasn’t busy and he would be in and out. His luncheon club casserole was prepared and sitting in the hob.

I FaceTimed Grace over breakfast  and then had a shower. When I got down I’d had a missed call from him. He was going to be hours, they were redoing all the tests! He had to cancel luncheon club and asked me to finish the casserole so it could be frozen! 
He came away with medication for water retention and wasn’t back till nearly 1.00 pm. I imagine there will be a buzz of gossip around the village, still it’s best to be on the safe side.

I indulged in a morning sitting in the shade in the garden and sewing whilst the casserole cooked. Wanted to make the most of the fine weather and lo and behold it started clouding up in the afternoon. We’ve just had a short shower but it feels a lot more comfortable. Dint think there was enough to do the hay much harm.

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