Four By Four Adventure!

Day two in Reykjavik, Iceland.  This morning about one third of the passengers disembarked and headed off to their homes, and just as many new passengers arrived, so new faces to get to know!

This afternoon, we went out in a gigantic 4 x 4 extreme off-road machine, and we had a blast driving off road up mountains and through streams to see such varying sights as the drill holes where the geothermal hot water is pumped up out of the ground and sent by pipes to provide heat and hot water to the homes and businesses of Iceland, huge swathes of gorgeous blue lupines covering the hills, beautiful lakes with black sand beaches, and breathtaking vistas of far-off Reykjavik from the top of a volcano.

There were 8 of us on this jaunt, and annoyingly 3 of our fellow passengers were real pains in the you-know-what ... the woman you can see gazing at her cell phone in the collage above is from TEXAS as she loudly and repeatedly informed all and sundry ... she complained bitterly about how cold it is in Iceland (um ... lady ... perhaps the country's name might have given you a clue?????), and of course nothing is as good as it is in TEXAS.  The other annoyances were a wizened couple from Florida who also whined incessantly about the cold.  He could barely move he was so ancient and infirm (I did feel sorry for him, but for heavens sake!  Don't decide to come on this sort of expedition if you can't manage to climb up into the vehicle or out of it!)  He insisted on sitting in the very front seat which meant that every time the rest of us wanted to get out at the many stops we made, he had to take 5 minutes to heave himself out of the way to the exit, and shuffle s-l-o-w-l-y to another seat.  This performance was then repeated in reverse when it was time to move on with our journey.  The wife whined, constantly shouted to HARVEY from her seat to make sure he was still alive and kicking, and then decided she needed two seats -- one for her handbag and 77 layers of clothing, and one with "more legroom" for her sore knee.  Harvey was also outraged that the American $$$ he offered to pay for his soda at a rest stop wasn't accepted ... imagine!  Icelanders don't want to be paid in foreign currency?  The nerve!!!  Let's hope we aren't confronted with any of these people at a "sharing table" at dinner some evening!

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