Hope Springs Eternal....

I was inspired to get off my butt and post today by a little pink flower that, despite being buried under everything from hostas, ferns, and the evil weed, through sheer determination, managed to fight its way to the light and bloom! What a little trooper it is..

Trying hard to be more of a trooper myself, and feeling somewhat more spry today, I had ventured out into the garden. I had a task... to take some BEFORE photos..yes, believe it or not, there are, at last, going to be some AFTER photos! Well, that is the plan.....

 I have taken a page out of knottman2's book about having a part-time gardener...Ever since he mentioned that he had some help in their garden, I have been pondering the possibility...hmmm...

As luck would have it..(I mean luck for me)...one of my long-time neighbours has retired and moved home from Quebec with his wife to care for his elderly mom next door. He is bored...and misses his garden back in Quebec..can you see the direction this is taking? And here am I, looking old and in need of help..heh heh ...It all came together nicely..he is now my full-fledged gardener and has been given free reign to do whatever is required to get the garden in order...He has monumental task ahead of him...but I have faith that he will live up to the challenge...

Some days, things just go right...

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