Cafe culture

You'd think it was summer in Edinburgh. It was actually quite nice today but there was still a bit of a chill to the air. Still, that didn't stop people enjoying the sunshine outside at Cafe Florentin.

I'd headed to minor injuries at the Western after work as my shin has been really sore since my Tae Kwon Do tournament and it just hadn't been easing up and has been really swolen. They x-rayed it and there was no chips or fractures so they decided it was a contusion. I was fairly pleased with the outcome as I was dreading them saying it needed put in plaster as work is too busy and the British championships are too close for any of that nonsense.

After that I jumped on the first bus that came along so I could head to the bank and, since the bus went through Stockbridge I decided to jump off and go to the bank there. It was quite good to wander round Stocky in the sun as it's years since I've done that. I used to have a record shop in St Stephens Place and live in a flat in the Dean Village so the majority of my like ws spent in and around Stockbridge for a year.

If Florentin's still did Crocque Monsieurs I'd have had to stop for food.

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