Flower Friday ...

... sunflowers.

I had a relaxing day at home today only going out later this evening for a walk and a quick visit to Lowe's ... Richard ran in while I stayed in the car!

Because Richard needed to stop at Lowe's we decided to take our walk at a walking trail at St. Luke's Hospital.  They have a path that goes around a small pond.  The sun was getting low in the sky as we were finishing our walk so I took a few pictures with my cell phone ... see extra.  It was a beautiful evening despite the higher humidity earlier in the day.  The location of this path is on the map link. 

The sunflower in my photo is one of many that are growing in our front yard.  They are so tall that they almost reach our second floor windows! Thanks to Anni (BikerBear) for hosting Flower Friday each week. 

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