Murky, and Rainy!

It's not supposed to rain after the 4th of July here in NW Oregon. But it did! I had no idea it would rain on me while I played golf this morning. I was caught completely unaware and unprepared. So I was rather wet when we finished our 9 holes. 

Then the sun sort of came out and then it sprinkled on and off all day, with more showers tonight and tomorrow morning. What the heck? Just enough to be annoying. 

But I did get outside to the garden during one of the sunny spells and managed to get some good shots. This is a bit more unusual, being a Drumstick Allium, or Allium sphaerocephalon. I love these great little bulbs...super fun in the new front garden. in the extras, see a dahlia in bud, 'Rosie the Riveter', and a good patch of Eryngium - an unknown species and cultivar. 

Lots of work this afternoon. Since my husband is down with Covid, it has cleared up my week since I can't really go to appointments or meetings and now I have a ton of time to get more work done. A silver lining. He's a little better. The Murphy I feel like I fought a battle by the time I woke up. Hopefully my body will be a little more used to it tonight! I think it's going to be a while....

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