
Today has been one of those rare days when waiting to get your blip has actually paid off. Despite the disappearance of direct sunshine, the light around the flat is now better for photography than it has been all day, with lots of reflections off the glass and tiles around. The wind has also calmed a little.

I had to move the lavender plant around to where it wasn't being blown over, so that also allowed me to get a satisfactory picture of it one of the stems. We spotted this plant in B&Q a few months ago, and it has done very nicely, growing substantially and now flowering quite nicely.

I trekked up to work and back and took my camera with me, although I didn't find anything to photograph. Tomorrow may well be different, as it's graduation, so hopefully some photo opportunities may present themselves, although they will probably be phone shots.

Meanwhile, I have found the goings on in Westminster a bit distracting, making it hard to concentrate on some of the things that I do need to get finished in the next few days. I hope it doesn't spoil my writing day on Friday!

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