
By JoshDice

Muts stop.

These two dogs, which must have been brothers/sisters because the black patches on their face were exactly the same, were tied up by the bus stop this morning. I like the look they have as their attention is drawn to the same thing; reminds me of when there is a shuffle by the front door at home and Billy and Ella both sit silently listening with the occasional head tilt.

I know I need to start taking photos of living things more, mainly people, but animals are a good stepping stone I guess! The composition with the bicycle wheel works well, though I would have liked to get their patches in the pic, I just couldn't find a nice angle with the tree and bike in the way.

Went for a ride up the hill with Gab which was awesome as he's been out of action with a broken collar bone until now. Sorted some admin stuff out while I was there too and spoke to some people I won't be seeing for at least 6 months or so. After I got in I baked banana bread with peanut butter! Also, a curry and chilli to use up some of my food, which gave me the chance to spend some time with Arienne and Nikki before they go and Si because he's the funniest guy I know! After the mountain of dishes I had to clean I'm just chilling out full of good food and thinking about going to bed and watching some Darkplace.

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