Pool day

Our original plan for today was to head to Epcot but we decided to have a pool day after managing to reserve Epcot on Wednesday. Mr PHL wasn’t much improved in the morning but by tonight has managed cereal, toast and a bagel over the course of the day so I’m hopeful he’s on the mend.

A lovely chap from the management company turned up just before 10 and replaced the handle and rehung the door so hopefully we won’t get trapped again!

I nipped out to the pharmacy after an hour at the pool to try to get some rehydration sachets but only managed to find kiddie electrolyte juice which has remained untouched.

Another hour or so at the pool before leftover pizza for lunch. Decided to go and see the new Elvis picture to give Mr PHL some peace and quiet and getting there was east. It was a fancy cinema with service to your seat so I stuck to club sad whilst Susan enjoyed a cocktail.

Journey home took longer than planned due to thunderstorms and a missed turnoff. I was glad to get us back to the villa in one piece, I really dislike driving in the rain!

Thank you for your good wishes.

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