Miss Edna

We were off to church first thing where Kent was conducting the music today and teaching the lesson in the men’s class.

It was announced today, that starting July 31st, our meetings would begin at 10:30 and Ward 1 would meet at 9:00. This is because they are officially starting a Spanish speaking ward that will also be meeting in our building. That will be four wards (congregations) meeting in our building each Sunday!

Once home from church, we listened to Music and the Spoken Word as I made lunch.

After lunch, I did bead weaving (stars) and we had FaceTime with the grandkids.

As I was bead weaving, Kent showed me a couple of Christmas ornament kits you could buy on-line to make beaded ornaments. I stopped what I was doing to show him with things I already had I could make one of the ornaments. I’m sure I could make the second one but would need a printed copy of the picture. :-)

How did I let him distract me?

This is my Miss Edna amaryllis with yet another stock with a head full of blooms.

Late evening rain with more forecast throughout the night

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