
Having that boat over at the pontoon, and it being the most wonderful sunny warm weather, we had a very enjoyable morning roasting ourselves and our lovely guests, R&E. I even roasted the pastries, somehow forgetting that they just needed warmed and weren’t pies. They glistened like beer battered haddock when I fished them out the oven. It’s not my forte.
Then up to West Granton for a history walk from the old Gasworks Station back to Madelvic House while Wm B, local worthy, regaled us with tales. Tales which invariably featured him in a central role. Then a talk - Granton: Cultural Heritage at the Edge: Edinburgh at the Seaside by some academics at the ECA. Actually reasonably interesting though I couldn’t quite shake the suspicion that it was just an exercise to keep them off the streets and meet up with their pals in other nice universities across Europe. We almost stayed to assist in their work of developing a Europe-wide Manifesto for Cultural Heritage at the Edge, but well, it was sunny outside. 

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